I hate working with glue boys and I love working with glue boys. Boys who were so completely and utterly addicted to not only a life-style but a drug. Shoe glue. They sniff it and the fumes not only make them go sky high, but it numbs the cold, the hunger and the pain. It's horrible to watch little children so deliberately and purposefully CHOOSE glue over having a happy healthy life. Today I drove past one of these Glue Boys. One of MY Glue Boys. Kennedy. My little smiling, 12-year-old, no English speaking, Kennedy. High as a telephone pole. He ran away from Agape and for almost two weeks now has successfully lived as a street-boy in Kisumu. And I ask myself, "He was doing so good, what did we do wrong?" Some days I ask God, why THESE boys? Why not just orphans. Why not just poor village kids. That sounds so simple right now, because the addiction on top of the loss and abandonment is almost too much. Yet somehow; God has a purpose for us and these Glue Boys. Us who have no experience in dealing with children recovering from addiction. Us who still sin and struggle with our own problems. Why choose us, God to come and to serve? Why the Glue Boys? Why the pain?